
Recognizing our historical and systematic privileges is a central aspect of Orcas Pride. This is and always will be a work in progress. We are students constantly unlearning our own blindspots. We endeavour to advocate consistently for reparations, and to educate others born into similar privileges while continually educating ourselves. We stand firmly in the belief that reparations is our obligation for the access we did not earn. We are committed to right relationships.

We invite all to join us in strength and celebration to embody the 2024 theme of Global Solidarity. Queer People cannot thrive where there is Racial and Colonial Violence, where Disabled People are denied personhood, or where anyone suffers the indignities of oppression for any reason. We face these challenges within our own community here on Orcas Island, just as people face them the world over. Queer Liberation is a global movement which demands that we examine our own lived experiences and continually learn from the experiences of others so that we may extend our empathy and resources across borders. Only through Global Solidarity can we truly achieve Queer Survival, Liberation, and Joy.

As much as possible, a portion of all Orcas Pride proceeds will be directed to local tribes whose land we illegally occupy, to local or regional BIPoC organizations, or to Islanders for Peace.

No one is truly fed if others go hungry.

Donations made to the Orcas LGBT Fund are through the Orcas Community Foundation and are tax deductible.